New Changes in the Harvard Undergraduate Economics Program

August 25, 2015

A brief update for undergraduate economics concentrators...

Numbering over 600 concentrators during the 2014-15 academic year, the undergraduate economics program continues to be the largest concentration at Harvard. We work continually to create an inclusive, accessible program and to give individual attention to our large number of students.

Our biggest innovation has been overhauling undergraduate advising. Economics concentrators now have more opportunities than ever to receive academic advising from our team of economists who both lecture and serve as full-time advisors for our undergraduates. Two new Lecturer/Advisors (LAs), Greg Bruich and Jonas Poulsen, joined the team this summer, while LA Anne Le Brun has taken on the role of Ec 10 Head Section Leader.  The five LAs hold walk-in office hours every weekday of the semester, work with each of the undergraduate Houses, lead thesis research seminars, teach sophomore tutorial courses in their areas of expertise, and create and oversee a growing number of events and initiatives in the undergraduate program.  

Jeff Miron
Director of Undergraduate Studies